Jughead Doing the Spring 2000 Walk on Hunger

Since I did the Hunger Walk in Spring of 1999 the Connecticut Food Bank a charity company that does many events to feed hungry people sent me a letter in the mail about the Hunger Walk for the Year 2000 and I was happy to get the letter with the brochure too and I decided to walk again in the Year of 2000 same as I did in 1999.  In the Photo above is me on the Hunger Walk in 2000. This year when I arrived at the West Rock Tennis Center to Register the entertainment was totally different from the 1999 entertainment. They had a man dressed up as a Eggland Man who was going around entertaining people along with a bagpipe man clowns and other forms of Entertainment. They also had music playing too. Here is a photo of the Eggland Man.

The Person leading the Walk that did announcements on Stage was Ibby Carothers who works at WTNH Channel 8. I did get to meet her and she wished me luck on the walk for the year 2000 and she was very happy to meet me. Here is a photo of me and Ibby Carothers.

Besides Ibby Meeting me she worked on a few getting the walkers started with the Bagpipe Man. Here is Ibby with the Bagpipe Man.

Besides Ibby Meeting me another friend of mine named Mary Grace who used to work at the same place I worked at for the summer of 1999 and who was Miss Connecticut in 1995 was glad to see me again. She sang the Star Spangled Banner up on stage and had a super great voice. I did get time to tell her about my summer 1999 Carnival Cruise things about the Internet and other things. Here is a photo of me and Mary Grace.

Before the walk started they served us a bagel lunch and some drinks. Even though I took a supply of bottled water with me in case I got thirsty on the long walk for a hot day I was happy to have a few drinks of Hi C Orange Drink they served us. Here is me getting that Orange Drink.

When it was time to start the walk Ibby and the Bagpipe Man with a short semi parade started us off walking. The Bagpipe Man was playing a tune while the walk started. Here is a photo of both of them starting out the walk.

After that just like in the Hunger Walk Spring of 2000, I walked on many of the familiar Streets and came to many different types of intersections Here is a fourway crosswalk many of us walkers had to cross with a blinking traffic light.


Same as the year of 1999 in Walk on Hunger 2000 there were stop sign people at those intersections too. They were there to see that the walkers crossed the streets very safely so that the motorists wouldn't get in the way and they were there to see that walkers walked on the sidewalks and not the streets. Here are two stop sign girls helping walkers get across this four way street that goes in four directions.

Plus here is a different Stop Sign Girl on a residential street that helped the walkers along in crossing that street.

There was also this road that had a curve ahead and even though it was a sort of private road the Walk On Hunger Walkers also had a Stop Sign Girl on that intersection and here she is below.

There was also this very busy intersection that had a Park Ranger Station nearby the park that walkers went through. There were several Stop Sign Girls seeing that the walkers crossed safely and didn't get in the way of alot of motorists that had to make unusual turns. Here is a photo of that crosswalk with Stop Sign Girls working it and people crossing it.

Also there at that intersection one particular Stop Sign Girl was very happy to make my acquaintance. She wished me well on the walk and made sure I crossed safely. Here is a photo of me with a Stop Sign Girl at that fourway crosswalk.

Over all the walk did go super well and I admit I did get tired right at the first rest stop but most of all I had a great time on the walk doing the walk, meeting with Ibby and Mary Grace and greeting Stop Sign People and just having fun enjoying the walk and I hope that my donation and everyone elses donations gets Connecticut Food Bank a great charity  to feed many hungry people. Below is a big photo of the Stop Sign Group.

Recap of Hunger Walk 1999

Before Hunger Walk 2000 One year previously I did go on Hunger Walk 1999 as well. It happened just a few months before the cruise. Just like Hunger Walk 2000, they had entertainment there as well with people in costumes playing old time folk music. After that came the announcements on stage and Mary Grace my old friend that year also did the Star Spangled Banner. She too was glad to see then as well and I got to tell Mary Grace I was about to take a Carnival Cruise and she wished me alot of luck on that walk as well. After that I walked all those streets and greeted every stop stop girl I passed and they wished me best of luck on the walk I was doing for the Connecticut Food Bank Charity. Overall Hunger Walk 1999 just a few months before the Carnival Cruise went well also.

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